Om deze website volledig te kunnen benutten, dient uw browser een 'referrer' mee te sturen.Hoe kan het meesturen van 'referrers' worden ingeschakeld?To use all the facilities on this website, your browser have to send a 'referrer'.How do I Enable Sending Referrers?Internet Explorer 6 and 7This can be done from the computer's Control Panel > Internet Options, or from within the browser Tools > Internet Options.
This has only altered settings for and this does not otherwise affect your browsing. Firefox 1.0+RefControl Use the RefControl extention for Firefox: Manually Setting Warning: this method may be considered as a privacy risk as all sites will receive referers.
See for more information. OperaSending referrers is enabled by default. If you have disabled it, go to Tools > Preferences > Privacy and re-enable it. K-MeleonSending referrers is enabled by default. If you have disabled it, go to Tools > Privacy > Block referrers (if already checked) Norton Internet SecurityGo to Privacy Control > Advanced > Add Site. Add your URL ( and make sure everything is permitted. Norton PersonalSome web pages require referrer information before allowing you to view their page. If you want to allow referrer information to pass to a particular web page, you must create a rule for it. To Create a Rule Open Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall and choose one of the following: In Norton Internet Security/Norton Personal Firewall 2003
In Norton Internet Security/Norton Personal Firewall 2004
NetbarrierGo to Privacy > Surf > Information Hiding, and uncheck the "Last Web site visited" box. Sygate FirewallThe free version of this firewall does not block sending referrers. The Pro version: Click Tools > Options > Security Ensure that 'enable stealth mode browsing' is unchecked. Kerio Firewall 4Turn ON the HTTP referrer under the privacy tab of web filtering. Zone Alarm Pro
Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 2008